.NET Integration

The Scalar.AspNetCore package provides a simple way to integrate the Scalar API reference into your .NET 8+ application.

Basic SetupCopied!

  1. Install the package
dotnet add package Scalar.AspNetCore --version 1.2.*

[!NOTE] We release new versions frequently to bring you the latest features and bug fixes. To reduce the noise in your project file, we recommend using a wildcard for the patch version, e.g., 1.2.*.

  1. Add the using directive
using Scalar.AspNetCore;
  1. Configure your application

Add the following to Program.cs based on your OpenAPI generator:

For .NET 9 using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi:


if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

For .NET 8 using Swashbuckle:


if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
    app.UseSwagger(options =>
        options.RouteTemplate = "/openapi/{documentName}.json";

For .NET 8 using NSwag:


if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
    app.UseOpenApi(options =>
        options.Path = "/openapi/{documentName}.json";

Thatโ€™s it! ๐ŸŽ‰ With the default settings, you can now access the Scalar API reference at /scalar/v1 in your browser, where v1 is the default document name.

Configuration OptionsCopied!

The MapScalarApiReference method accepts an optional options parameter, which you can use to customize Scalar using the fluent API or object initializer syntax:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // Fluent API
        .WithTitle("Custom API")

    // Object initializer
    options.Title = "Custom API";
    options.ShowSidebar = false;


Scalar supports various authentication schemes, including API Key, OAuth, HTTP Basic and Bearer, by allowing you to pre-fill certain authentication details.

[!WARNING] Sensitive Information: Pre-filled authentication details are exposed to the client/browser and may pose a security risk. Do not use this feature in production environments.

[!NOTE] The available security schemes and flows are defined in the OpenAPI document your app provides, not within Scalar itself.


To simplify API key usage, you can provide a token:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // Fluent API
        .WithPreferredScheme("ApiKey") // Security scheme name from the OpenAPI document
        .WithApiKeyAuthentication(apiKey =>
            apiKey.Token = "your-api-key";

    // Object initializer
    options.Authentication = new ScalarAuthenticationOptions
        PreferredSecurityScheme = "ApiKey", // Security scheme name from the OpenAPI document
        ApiKey = new ApiKeyOptions
            Token = "your-api-key"


Similarly, you can pre-fill OAuth fields like the client ID and scopes:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
        .WithPreferredScheme("OAuth2") // Security scheme name from the OpenAPI document
        .WithOAuth2Authentication(oauth =>
            oauth.ClientId = "your-client-id";
            oauth.Scopes = ["profile"];

HTTP Basic/Bearer

HTTP Basic or Bearer authentication fields can also be pre-filled easily:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // Basic
        .WithPreferredScheme("Basic") // Security scheme name from the OpenAPI document
        .WithHttpBasicAuthentication(basic =>
            basic.Username = "your-username";
            basic.Password = "your-password";

    // Bearer
        .WithPreferredScheme("Bearer") // Security scheme name from the OpenAPI document
        .WithHttpBearerAuthentication(bearer =>
            bearer.Token = "your-bearer-token";

OpenAPI DocumentCopied!

Scalar expects the OpenAPI document to be located at /openapi/{documentName}.json, matching the route of the built-in .NET OpenAPI generator in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package. If the document is located elsewhere (e.g., when using Swashbuckle or NSwag), specify the path using the OpenApiRoutePattern property:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // or
    options.OpenApiRoutePattern = "/swagger/{documentName}.json";

API Reference RouteCopied!

The Scalar API reference is initially accessible at /scalar/{documentName}. Customize this route using the EndpointPathPrefix property:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // or
    options.EndpointPathPrefix = "/api-reference/{documentName}";

Custom HTTP ClientCopied!

Scalar allows you to set a default HTTP client for code samples. The ScalarTarget enum specifies the language, and the ScalarClient enum specifies the client type.

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    options.WithDefaultHttpClient(ScalarTarget.CSharp, ScalarClient.HttpClient);
    // or
    options.DefaultHttpClient = new(ScalarTarget.CSharp, ScalarClient.HttpClient);


Scalar uses local assets by default to render the UI. To load assets from a CDN or a different location, specify the CdnUrl property:

app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
    // or
    options.CdnUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@scalar/api-reference";

[!NOTE] Fonts are loaded from a CDN by default. To disable this, set DefaultFonts to false.

Dependency InjectionCopied!

Configuration options can also be set via dependency injection:

builder.Services.Configure<ScalarOptions>(options => options.Title = "My API");
// or

[!NOTE] Options set via the MapScalarApiReference method override those set through dependency injection.

Additional informationCopied!

The MapScalarApiReference method is implemented as a minimal API endpoint and returns an IEndpointConventionBuilder, allowing you to use minimal API features such as authorization:


For all available configuration properties and their default values, check out the ScalarOptions and the ScalarOptionsExtensions.